Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time to wrap up, again!

It seems like the cold front in the Western Cape is sticking around for a few more days, as if its presence was not noticed enough this past weekend. After a far-from-sober-in-any-sense-or-form weekend spent in Pringle Bay with some wild friends, I thought that this week might offer a chance to get outdoors and detox in and around the beauty that is Stellenbosch. The cold front however will not allow that, and from a glance out of my window, the rain is coming down in icy pellets. So for now, the only thing to do it fill up that hot-water bottle (for purposes of saving electricity and hence, money), make cups and cups of tea, and wrap in whatever warm clothing you have. Lucky for me, First Ascent has produced thee warmest, snuggest and strongest down feather jacket, and named it the Extreme Glacier. This is what I will be wearing to keep the cold out!
Over & Out

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