Monday, August 27, 2012

Has Anyone Seen Moxie??

If you're a student and live in Stellenbosch, or if you are a bergie and live in Stellenbosch, then you definitely know who Moxie is. The aggressive, rude, often dangerous but cherised street-dweller is well-known around these parts, and a lot of students are familiar with her demands for very specific goods. Moxie, as she calls herself, has two children and is often found hanging around Bohemia and those parts. She once asked me for R2.50 (exactly), and when I told her I had no money I got a stream of insults thrown at me - "Fok jou, p**s, naaier," blah blah blah. As rude as she is, she is also rather entertaining, and I had the pleasure of watching her chase a policeman down the street, whilst sitting safely on the stoep of Boho. She has had her fair share of publicity in the past few years, appearing in a few newspaper articles and even having a Facebook fan page put up in her honour.
I haven't seen her around lately, and wonder where she is?

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