Sunday, August 19, 2012

Black Diamond Rock Rally 2012

So we hit it up at Kleinmond this weekend for a climbing compo, which fell under the organisation of the Gravity Festival people. The weather was grand, bar the icy start, and I was thoroughly impressed to see such a large turn out. I was paired with someone I was yet to meet, and was really happy to find myself with American, Kirsten Getz. When we met for the first time at the main tent, she explained cheekily to me that her name was 'Kirsten as in Kirstenbosch, and Getz as in Hyundai Getz', and that this was an explanation she  has used a number of times in South Africa. After sweating up the steep hike to the main crags, we were both in agreeance that neither of us were in this to win, and would like to focus on enjoyment and climbing fitness. Partner and I on the same page, I readied myself for a stunning day of climbing camaraderie and viewing.
Crew - Morne, Andrew, Johnny, Me, Kirsten, Roland. 

I started my first climb on a 17 which I was not quite up for, and after two attempts decided to head over to the Arete Wall, where two of my favourite climbs are. Kirsten took a big lead fall on the 17 there and decided that she would quit with her 'legend fall', and I jammed it up Fifth Element or Fifth Dimension or something. It is always a pleasure getting back into the groove after some time off, and I wasted no time in finishing that wall off.

What what? My sling stayed on me until I went to bed. Cool view of the Palmiet River.
Another notable part of the weekend was the afterparty/prize-giving/jol. In an earnest discussion amongst the climbers, it was concluded that in a fight between the kayakers and the climbers, the kayakers would 'definitely win' as we witnessed them downing beers out of some dudes soggy booty with no sense of concern ('the booty beer'), and because 'climbers are way too chilled to fight. The kayakers were definitely the rowdiest bunch around, with the events to come proving their capabilities. Kirsten and I  picked up a small entourage of gym-rats/kite-boarders, whom we met at the crag earlier, and who despite being in their mid-thirties got down to some jolling with us and provided us with drinks for part of the night.

When the local band the Boulevard Blues got jamming, the crowd really got involved, and this is when things got crazy. To explain the situation you need to imagine a very large group of exceptionally fit, outdoorsy people under one large marquee complete with stocked bar. Now give these fit people a couple of drinks, throw in some solid tent poles and long bouncy beanbags and what you have is utter raucousness. At one point in the night there were three people climbing up the same pole, whilst some hyperactive characters decided it would be wise to run along the top of the marquee/stretch-tent. Only when the Red Bull DJ's flat screen began sliding on top of his head did he realise what was going on, and then everyone was called to attention. I was really not stoked with the Red Bull DJ's choice of music (Rihanna, Pitbull and some crap remixes), and thought that perhaps at a festival like this we would have decent tunes to jam to.

To say things that things got out of hand last night is a small understatement, and watching this crowd (and occasionally joining in) was hilarious. There was even an acrobatic demonstration, with a handful of hopefuls trying out their double somersaults and sliding skills on the ensemble of shoved-together-beanbags. I managed to get 12 Red Bulls out of one of the drunk reps, but fully regretted handed one to a rather tall guy who then ran around like a three year old on a kg of jelly tots.

Fedde jamming a 23. Johnny on belay and Kirst watching attentively. 
With the night quietening down and the temperature plummeting, it was decided to crash at Kirsten's place in the town. Although we had planned to camp, by midnight we had no signs of an erect tent, I think the group of us were more keen to sleep on proper beds and be able to have basic things like coffee and a shower. So we hit the sack like kings, all the while remembering our contemporaries and Johnny who chose to camp.

Andrew in the afternoon sun on a 19. 

Johnny with the GoPro helicopter getting a level view of him. 

All in all, it was a memorable weekend. Despite missing the prize-giving, I could not have chosen anywhere else to spend my Saturday and Sunday. The sponsors were lekker, with the GoPro people arriving up at the crag with their cam attached to a home-made helicopter thing, ready to film the climbers. Our crew was even better, and it is always cool to meet another slummies brother (Morne). The weather was perfect, Sunday spent at the harbour in Kleinmond was special, and I thoroughly enjoyed the climbing. If I could ask for one thing, it would be for more festivals like this.

**Apologies for the lack of party pictures, but I highly doubt my camera would have survived...

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